Descriptive Writing with Paragraphs | Grade 9

I'm sure you can define the word "describe", but what exactly is descriptive writing? 

To refresh your memory, let us go back to a definition of descriptive writing - 

In descriptive writing, the author does not just tell the reader what was seen, felt, tested, smelled, or heard. Rather, the author describes something from their own experience and, through careful choice of words and phrasing, makes it seem real. Descriptive writing is vivid, colourful, and detailed.

Good descriptive writing creates an impression in the reader's mind of an event, a place, a person, or a thing. The writing will be such that it will set a mood or describe something in such detail that if the reader saw it, they would recognise it.

Descriptive Writing Techniques

Here are some examples of descriptive writing techniques that you can utilise and effectively apply to your own writing.

Choosing your focus: When you first begin writing, it's extremely important to decide what your topic is going to be. This will prevent you from losing focus on the theme or main idea of your writing. When you decide what you are going to write about, you can begin to add details about the specific event, object, or person.

Use of words: In most cases, you'll use adjectives to make your writing more detailed for the reader. For example, rather than just saying: 'The dog sniffs around,' you'd say: 'The big brown dog sniffed around the red rose bushes in the front yard.' The use of 'big,' 'brown,' 'red rose bushes,' and 'front yard' assists the reader in visualising the event and what the dog looks like.

Reader interest: As a writer, it's important paint a picture with your words. One of the best ways to do this is through the use of the five senses. This won't only engage your target audience, but it'll appeal to other readers as well. By using taste, smell, hearing, sight, and touch, you are creating an opportunity for the reader to develop an emotional connection to your writing.

Below I have provided an example of descriptive writing, note the structure and paragraphing as well as its content.

See how the writer separates each thought/point into a paragraph? This is how good writing is produced. The first paragraph here describes the time of day and weather - it gives you a good idea of the past and how they ended up in this situation. Paragraph two paints an image of the present describing the now occurring effects of the heat, as seen by our narrator. 

Assignment - 
(A) - If you are good at drawing, draw a scene (nature, people, animals, etc). If you are good at photography, photograph a scene with people, a landscape, objects, animals, etc - anything you thing you could write a story about.
(B) - Write two paragraphs describing the scene you drew or photographed, use two or more senses (sight, smell, etc) in your writing. If you are not sure how to write a good paragraph, go to the previous grade 9 post on this website.
N.B - Type your work on a computer or your phone if you can. 
       - When you submit your work, send the picture/drawing also.

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