Descriptive Writing - Different attitudes | Grade 9
In the last Grade 9 English "A" post, you were asked to write a 2 paragraph descriptive story based on a picture you took or drawing you made. In today's post you can learn to describe a person from different angles of approach.
For example, we can describe a beggar in any of these ways:
Illustration of a beggar in 'rags' |
- As seen by an anonymous writer, e.g.
The beggar shuffled into the shop almost apologetically, holding out half a coconut shell with sad persistence...
- As a first person description, e.g.
I watched the beggar thoughtfully and wondered whether he earned more than I did from his earnest entreaties to elderly tourists...
- As seen Through The Eyes of a child (by the Narrator), e.g.
The scene always puzzled Mitzie, being young as she was. She watched her father take off the clean clothes he wore at home, and put on some old and dirty rags.
“It’s his work”, her mother explained nervously. “He works in a very dirty place, and he doesn't want to spoil his good clothes.”
For a moment, Mitzie wondered where her father worked, but she did not dare ask. Little did she know that in about an hour's time she was going to come face-to-face with him in the street.
- As an autobiography, e.g.
If it makes you feel happy, you can call me a ‘beggar’. I am too old and tired to worry about names. I am what I am…
- As seen by a hard-hearted police officer, e.g.
“Scum!” The policeman said to his colleague. “That's what they are - scum. Too lazy to work! Too idle to wash…”
We might get different attitudes and descriptions from a Social Worker, or a tourist, or a jealous, competing beggar, Etc. If you want to write about a person (or place or thing), think carefully about the angle of approach you will use.